Certified Public Accountant
304 W. Venice Ave. Suite 203
Venice, FL 34285
ph: 617-484-1816 or 941-483-4050
Listed below are links to web sites that our firm and
our clients often use
Internal Revenue Service Center (IRS)
Massachusetts Department of Revenue
CNN Money (Various helpful subjects)
How long do I keep my tax and financial records?
Free annual credit report (AnnualCreditReport.com)
This is Riley, our Jack Russell Terrier. He passed away peacefully on January 27, 2016. He was almost 18 years old. He was the best dog anyone could ever ask for. We are grateful that he lived such a long and happy life. He loved sleeping next to the fireplace. Rest in peace little buddy.
Riley and Sonya guarding the house during Marathon bombing lockdown in April, 2014
On January 9, 2020 we had to say goodbye to Sonya. She was our beautiful Jack Russell Terrier who was loved for almost 17 years. Sonya was buried in our backyard cemetery in Belmont on a beautiful warm January day beside Shannon (our Irish Setter who died in 1986), Pal (our Beagle who died in 1992) and Riley (our JRT who died in 2016). Rest in peace"Lil' Lady"
So now we are left with Jackson. He is a beautiful Jack Russell Terrier. He is full of energy and we love him even though he can be a bad little boy sometimes. Jackson will be 9 on June 5, 2025.
Our Belmont, MA Doggie Graveyard
IRS Taxpayer Assistance
IRS Refund Hot Line
MASS DOR Assistance and Refund Hotline
Bowmar 901B - The first true pocket size calculator
The Hewlett Packard HP-10
The only non scientific calculator Hewlett Packard ever manufactured.
This was a simple 4 function (add-subtract-multiply-divide) printing calculator to compete with Cannon, Bowmar and Texas Instruments
It's code name at HP during development said it all: KISS (keep it simple stupid)
Two of my favorite transistor radios from the early 1960's. The Crown "Super 9" with its fabulous reverse painted dial and spectacular grill. A powerful and large 9 transistor radio.
The tiny but powerful Omscolite 6 and Omscolite 7 transistor radios. You didn't have to look inside to guess the number of transistors
Copyright 2014 Russell M. Khederian, CPA. All rights reserved.
304 W. Venice Ave. Suite 203
Venice, FL 34285
ph: 617-484-1816 or 941-483-4050